Height and Weight Screening

The NCMP (National Child Measurement Programme)

Every year, throughout England, more than a million children in Reception and Year 6 have their height and weight measured at school as part of the National Child Measurement Programme.  Your child doesn’t have to take part, but every child measured contributes to building an understanding of national and local trends in child weight.

Click on the link to watch an animated video about the National Child Measurement Programme  https://vimeo.com/cornwallcouncil/ncmp2022 



The measurements for all children will be gathered together and held securely by our local authority Public Health team. No individual measurements will be given to your child, school staff or other children, and all information will be treated confidentially.

The information is used within the local authority and NHS to help plan the provision of services and advice to support healthy weight and lifestyles in the area. The information is also submitted for national analysis and publication in a way that means individual children cannot be identified.

Your child's measurements

Parents and carers have told us that they want to know their child’s measurements, so you will receive a feedback letter, with your child's height and weight measurements and a link to the NHS Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator. If you would like to find out whether your child is underweight, a healthy weight or above a healthy weight, you can do this by simply entering their height and weight details into the BMI calculator (use child tab). A child's BMI centile is calculated differently to an adult's BMI and takes into account their height, age and sex. You could also plot their height and weight in their 'Red Book' to see how their growth may have changed since early childhood. We think this is a great idea as it allows you to have an important piece of information that you can add to what you already know about your child's lifestyle.

If your child is identified as being significantly above a healthy weight, a member of the Healthy Cornwall team will be in touch to give you an opportunity to discuss this and ask any questions you may have. If your child's BMI centile suggests that they are underweight, significantly above a healthy weight or extremely short, we may contact your GP and ask them to make an appointment with you. This is so your GP can make sure that there isn’t an underlying medical cause for this. 

The measurements will be conducted by trained schools nursing staff, at school, in a private space away from other pupils. Children who take part will be measured fully clothed except for their coats and shoes. Routine data such as your child's name, date of birth, sex, address, postcode and ethnicity will also be collected.


Talking to your child about weight

“Talking to your child about weight” is a valuable guide specifically created for parents and caregivers of children aged 4-11 years. It gives an insight into how to approach conversations about weight in a positive and supportive manner. The guide offers practical tips and advice on fostering healthy habits, promoting body positivity, and maintaining open lines of communication with your children. This guide supports parents to confidently navigate discussions about weight and empower children to develop a healthy relationship with their bodies.

Click here to watch the Talking to your child about weight video

Click here to download the Talking to your child about weight booklet.


Withdrawing your child from Reception year NCMP

If you are happy for your child to be measured, you do not need to contact us.

We operate all school health checks on an 'opt out' basis and your child will be weighed and measured unless you return a completed opt out form (see below).  You may also opt out of the child health checks at any stage by contacting your school.

School nurses always carry out the measurement process sensitively and children will not be made to take part if they do not want to.

Click here to withdraw your child from Reception year NCMP.


Important: Opt outs may take up to 5 working days to process.

  • If weighing and measuring is taking place within the next 5 working days, you will also need to notify the school office.  We cannot guarantee the opt out will be processed in time and that your child will not be weighed and measured.
  • Completion of this form will opt your child out of Reception year NCMP only.  We can only process opt outs for the current school year.  You will be sent information about the Year 6 school health screening in the future.