Height & weight
Each year in England, school children in Reception and Year 6 have their height and weight checked at school as part of the National Child Measurement Programme. Height and weight measurements are used to calculate weight status. We collect this information because it is used nationally to monitor trends in child obesity and overweight, and locally to inform the planning and delivery of health improvement services for children. Your child’s class will take part in this year’s programme.
Click here to download the full privacy notice for health screening in schools, including how the data is used.
If, like most parents, this information has got you thinking about your child's health and how their lifestyle affects it, or you have thought about small changes you’d like to make and would like some additional advice, we recommend having a chat with the Healthy Cornwall Team.
Contact the Healthy Cornwall team on (01209) 615600
Email: healthy.cornwall@cornwall.gov.uk
School Nurse Advice Line (01872) 322779.