Evidence shows there are 5 key actions you can take to improve your mental health and wellbeing. Bringing these things into our lives and daily routines can help you feel more positive and able to get the most out of life.
The 5 ways to wellbeing are:
Connect - stay in touch and reach out to friends, family, colleagues and neighbours
Be Active - being active isn't just good for our physical health but our mental health too
Keep Learning - by experiencing new things, taking on new knowledge or learning new skills we can keep our minds active
Give - helping others within our communities can have a significant positive impact on both your mental wellbeing and that of those you're helping
Take Notice - take time to be mindful and be present in the current moment in time, pay attention to your environment, your body and your thoughts
Find out more about the 5 Ways to Wellbeing and see examples of how you can put it into action
The Healthy Cornwall training team have helpfully put together some videos covering a variety of topics involved in mental health and wellbeing including mental health awareness, mindfulness exercises to try, how to talk to others about mental health and more.
Check out the Healthy Cornwall mental wellbeing video resources
If you’re struggling with mental ill health, having thoughts of suicide or worried about a friend or family member, then ‘push the button’ when you see someone displaying an Orange Button badge.
The Orange Button is worn by people who have undergone extensive mental health first aid or suicide prevention training. Whilst they aren’t able to counsel people, they will help those in need find relevant services to support them.
As well as wearing an Orange Button badge, those trained and ready to help may also display the Orange Button on their email signature.
Find out more about the Orange Button scheme
Whether you're experiencing a mental problem, or supporting someone who is, having access to the right information is vital.
The Mind website is full to the brim with information and resources on a huge variety of topics that can help manage and support your mental health or that of others.
Check out the Mind information and support pages to find out more
The Mental Health Foundation works towards good mental health for all, with a large focus on prevention of mental health issues being better than a cure.
Their mental health information and advice is based on evidence and the lived experiences of real people.
Find out how to look after your mental health and help prevent mental ill health from developing.