Aim to create a Whole School, trauma informed, relational approach to wellbeing that is 'Everybody's business'


How to achieve this:


Further Information:

Identify a Senior Mental Health Lead who is in a position to be a part of SLT decision making/school development to ensure wellbeing is a golden thread throughout:

  • Access training for the Senior Mental Health Lead that is focussed on a Whole School Approach.
Helpful Resources:

headstart kernow logo, text reads 'headstart kernow: mental health leads hub'   a teacher supports a student leaning on a locker at school

A whole-school approach involves a shared ethos and commitment from the entire school community including governors, senior leaders, staff, parents/carers and the wider community:

A mentally healthy school is one that:

  • Adopts a whole-school approach to mental health and wellbeing. It is a school that helps children flourish, learn and succeed, by providing opportunities for them and the adults around them, to develop the strengths and coping skills that underpin resilience.
  • Sees positive mental health and wellbeing as fundamental to its values, mission and culture.
  • It is a school where child, staff and parent/carer mental health and wellbeing is seen as ‘everybody’s business’.
Helpful Resources:

headstart logo, text reads "headstart kernow: healthy schools support" young girl smiling whilst lying on floor with craft items, text reads "prmoting young peoples mental health and wellbeing" 


Emotional health and wellbeing covers several themes within the school environment, including: a safe and supportive environment; positive relationships; sleep hygiene; media & digital resilience, anti - bullying:

  • Use the tools below to identify gaps and develop an action plan specific to needs and capacity of the school.
  • Use the links for information on a range of approaches / tools enabling you and the school community to recognise and celebrate what's in place and working well already and build from this.
Helpful Resources:

headstart logo, text reads "headstart kernow: healthy schools support" better health every mind matters logo, text reads 2public health england better health every mind matters resources for schools 


Inform parents about the importance of good sleep. Utilise the Sleepwise App in order to support parents with sleep hygiene:

  • All schools in Cornwall have free access to the Sleepwise App. It addresses sleep problems in young people who are typically developing and with those with additional needs. You can access sleep advice tailored to the young person by inputting the amount of sleep they get and the nature of their sleeplessness. There is a diary feature for those young people who don’t know how much they sleep.
  • To access the Sleepwise App for free, schools can contact Headstart Kernow.
Helpful Resources:

mobile phone with sleepwise app on, text reads "sleepwise app" teen girl using phone in bed, text reads "the teen sleep hub: information and resources"


Explore accessible and appropriate training for all school staff:

  • There are so many opportunities for schools to access free training and support. This should be done with a minimum of ensuring all staff recognise they have a role to play in supporting wellbeing. Click on the buttons to explore opportunities for Cornwall schools.
Helpful Resources:

headstart logo, text reads "headstart kernow: healthy schools support" man watching video on laptop, text reads "cornwall wellbeing hub training and support webinars"