Build relationships, work with and support your Whole School Community


How to achieve this:


Further Information:


Engage, consult and listen to parents and carers

  • Effective parental engagement is a crucial ingredient in both academic and social success, especially for our most vulnerable pupils.
  • Cornwall Council’s Together for Families Directorate, supported by Parent Carer Cornwall, have developed a framework and toolkit to promote the partnership between pupils, parents, and school to help create a culture of mutual collaboration to support all learners to succeed.
  • Explore the guidance and resources below to support parents and carers
Helpful Resources:

a mother helps her son with homework, text reads "parent carer engagement framework" image of a child with a disability and his parent smiling, text reads "Parent Carers Cornwall" headstart logo, text reads "headstart kernow: healthy schools support" a couple with their son readinga book together, text reads "cornwall council: parenting support"


Reach out to promote charity events and volunteering opportunities within your school community

  • Actively promote and support charity events and create opportunities for people to give back to their local community 
  • Find out about your community area partnership and their role.  Help to tackle the issues that matter to your community so that everyone can start, live and age well
Helpful Resources:

image of two people litter picking, text reads "volunteer cornwall" map of cornwall with text reading "Cornwall Council: Community area partnerships"