Health behaviour information and support is promoted to pupils, parents and carers

How to achieve this:


Further Information:

Relationships and sexual health information:

In Cornwall we have a new comprehensive Healthy Relationship Programme on offer to schools that is delivered by 3 amazing services; Safer Futures, Brook and Women’s Aid. These services are working together to ensure there is sufficient education and support across primary and secondary schools. These are targeted, age-appropriate programmes in primary and secondary schools and further education establishments and are free of charge.

Helpful Resources:

Ensure the whole school community are aware of drugs and alcohol information support available:

Raise awareness of:
- Support available to young people using substances and the support that is available for young people who are affected by substance misuse
- Support that is available to parents with substance use difficulties

- The benefits of starting a Community Alcohol Partnership
- The YZUP schools programme which delivers PSHE Substance Awareness lessons and assemblies in schools
- The ability to access YZUP for consultation, support and bespoke training around substance use related behaviours

Helpful Resources:

 man rolling drugs, text reads "safer cornwall, drugs and alcohol support" alcohol being poured, text reads "with you, confidential support with drugs, alcohol and mental health"  

Community Alcohol Partnerships CAP thumbnail Working towards an alcohol-free childhood (CAP)

Develop a whole school smoke-free policy with pupils. This should include the school's position on vaping:

Develop a smoke free policy within your school, and make information on local stop-smoking support easily available to staff. All members of the school community should have access to accurate information on vaping. It is recommended that vaping is not allowed on school premises.

Helpful Resources:

 stop smoking sign, text reads "smokefree schols toolkit" healthy cornwall staff, text reads "healthy cornwall stop smoking support" text reads "vaping form time activities"

vapes, text reads "healthy cornwall youth vaping toolkit" vapes. text reads "frank: vapes information" person vaping, text reads "nhs better health, young peopel an dvaping"