Offer choice and variety

Offer choice and variety – offering a variety of physical activity opportunities for young people to take part in, including free play can increase participation in physical activity. In addition, a focus on games and fun, as well as the more traditional sports or competitive activities, can help to encourage participation, particularly among inactive pupils.


How to achieve this:


Further Information:


Provide a range of extra-curricular physical activity programmes, clubs, societies and teams, across all year groups and to suit individual needs

  • Extra curricular activities can spark real interest
  • Provide students with information about the local external offer of clubs etc
Helpful Resources:

a child riding their bike, text reads "bikeability cycle training programme" 2 change for life characters playing games, text reads "change for life activity resources"


Attend The Cornwall School Games

  • The School Games, which is funded by Sport England and delivered by the Youth Sport Trust, is a government led programme designed to deliver competitive school sport to those young people who currently do not get to represent their school in sports and who would benefit from these opportunities the most.
Helpful Resources:

cornwall school games logo


Promote Time2Move Holiday Clubs

  • Children eligible for benefits related Free School Meals can access Time2Move activities fully funded.
  • Promote Time2Move term-time kids activity clubs if active in your area
Helpful Resources:

children taking part in holiday activity, text reads "time2move holiday programme" children playing parachute games, text reads "term-time time2move activity clubs"


Offer a wide variety of physical activity/movement within school, ensure inclusivity, body positivity and accessibility for all

  • Ensure that you offer and promote a wide range of types of physical activity that are inclusive, accessible and fun. Ensure all children are encouraged and supported, no matter their ability.
Helpful Resources:

girl with netball and bib on smiling, text reads "sports for schools - how to encourage a positive sporting environment"