The Mindful Employer website shares ten key ideas that provide help for you to get started in increasing the mental health awareness and support within your organisation.
Read more about the ten steps and put them into practice
This CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) guidance document contains information, practical advice and templates to help managers facilitate conversations about stress and mental ill health with employees.
Read and download the Mental Health Guide for Managers
The Time to Change website is full of useful ready-to-use resources and activities to help take action and challenge mental health stigma within your workplace.
Find useful mental health resources and activities
It can be really worrying when someone is going through a difficult time. The Mind website has lots of advice to help you support other people - and to look after your own wellbeing too. This includes information on how to support someone, how to cope personally when helping someone else and a helpful A-Z of mental health issues.
Check out the Mind website for information and resources
Guidance and support for employers and managers on how to support employees experiencing mental health issues and to create a mentally healthy workplace.
Find out more about this Mental Health First Aid Line Managers Resource
Small and medium organisations account for 99% of the businesses in the UK. But research shows that, when it comes to mental health, they often fall behind larger organisations.
There are many unique challenges, as well as unique opportunities, that come with working in smaller businesses. Mental Health at Work have put together a toolkit containing a collection of resources designed to help you start making a difference.
Start making a difference in your workplace, read and download the toolkit today
This Suicide Prevention Toolkit, helps senior leaders, line managers, HR and occupational health professionals identify staff members who may have suicidal feelings and gives practical advice on how to deal with a crisis situation.
Find out more and download the toolkit today
Suicidal thoughts are more common than many people think, and there can be unfounded stigma attached to talking about suicide.
Many employers don't have frameworks in place to encourage an environment where people can openly talk to someone about suicide and find ways to seek help.
This CIPD guide addresses this by providing practical advice and guidance for how organisations can educate their workforce and open up the culture to talk about suicide.
Read and implement the CIPD guidance
Whenever there is a suicide the impact this has on family, friends and work colleagues can be immense.
Our Suicide Workplace Pack provides information on support and resources to support yourself and others, should you ever need them.
Read and download our Suicide Workplace Pack
Hopefully this information will never be needed in your workplace, but just in case, it's important to equip you
for the worst case situation.