NHS Health Checks

An NHS free Health Check is a brief health intervention for people between 40 and 74 years of age. These Health checks may consolidate a healthy lifestyle or flag up areas that need to be improved e.g. BMI. NHS Health Checks offer a great platform for making changes to lifestyle but occasionally they can discover a hidden aspect which will need to be further investigated by a GP, as early detection often makes all the difference in preventing something more serious happening to our health.

 The Health Check was very good, clear, helpful not scary. The results were really useful and highlighted small changes that can make a big difference. 


A Health Check consists of:

• BMI measured via the ‘Tanita’ body composition scales which also provide information on many health aspects besides BMI all on a print-out, an information sheet will also be provided.
• A Blood pressure check
• A Cholesterol Blood test and results will be provided at the appointment.
• Lifestyle screening which will discuss: Exercise, Diet, Smoking and Alcohol.
• A ‘Qrisk 2’ check (A health & lifestyle medical calculator) which will provide a percentage risk projection for cardiovascular disease, stroke or heart attack over the next 10 years based on the results collated on the day.


Find out more and book...

For full details of how you can obtain a free Health Checks for those eligible* within your workplace, please get in touch using the following methods:

Email: healthy.cornwall@cornwall.gov.uk

Telephone: 01872 324200


Meet the Health Check Team:

Find out a little bit about our friendly Heath Check Delivery Team


*Eligibility for a Health check:
• You must NOT have been diagnosed with any of the following health conditions: Hypertension (High Blood Pressure), Hypocholesterolaemia (High Cholesterol), CKD,(Chronic Kidney Disease), Diabetes, Atrial Fibrillation, Stroke, Heart Failure, Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD), Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA), Taking Statins.
• You Must: Live in Cornwall, NOT had an NHS health Check in last 5 years, aged from 40 to 74 years.