Healthy Eating & Healthy Weight

Healthy Eating and Healthy Weight in the Workplace

The Healthy Workplace team can offer in-house Healthy Eating and Healthy Weight in the Workplace sessions!

Sessions can be suited to the needs of the organisation and include the following:

  • Exciting and engaging group sessions
  • Use of Tanita Body Composition scales work using a method called biometrical impedance
  • Healthy Eating sessions, (Eatwell Guide) Myth busting and PHE / NICE guidance
  • Individual weigh in sessions, repeated every 12 weeks at a time to suit you
  • Tailored sessions based on an organisations wants and / or needs
  • 12 week (pre and post), 6 month, 9 month and 12 month follow up sessions offered (with additional theory if required or just simple group weigh in)

Click here to find out what we can offer in more detail.

For more information, contact

Healthy Workplace Healthy Eating Session Video:

If you are unable to book in a workshop or would like to provide additional information to staff around healthy eating, please use the video and resource list below:

Useful resources:
Physical Activity, Healthy Eating and Healthier Weight Toolkit
Healthy Breakfast, Lunch and Snack Cards
Healthy Virtual Meeting Guidance
Healthy Meeting Guidance

Sugar Smart

SUGAR SMART is a campaign run by Sustain that aims to help organisations reduce the amount of sugar we all consume. Anyone can pledge to become SUGAR SMART – this includes workplaces!

Companies and businesses have a significant influence the choices we make. Whether you run a staff canteen, employ contract caterers or have shared kitchen spaces in your office, you have a fantastic opportunity to raise awareness about the dangers of too much sugar.

How do I join?

Visit the SUGAR SMART website to sign up. 
Once you sign up you will receive a ‘Sugar Smart UK: registration confirmation’ email. Your account is now active and you can explore the Sugar Smart website and pledge your SUGAR SMART actions! You can choose from 14 pledges to work towards.

Pick at least 3 pledges to become an official SUGAR SMART workplace. We have given you some ideas of how to work towards your pledges below.

Here is a Step by Step Guide to becoming a  Sugar Smart workplace.

How will you get involved?

1. Ban price promotions on sugary drinks and snacks such as discounts, multi-buys, free items or meal deals.
2. Establish sugar-free checkouts - Ensure there are no sugary drinks and snacks for sale at checkout areas to discourage impulse buying.
3. Have a SUGAR SMART quiz with surprising facts about sugar in everyday food and drink
4. Give staff cooking lessons - Get your colleagues to take part in a cooking course and promote low or sugar-free recipes.
5. Improve vending options Remove sugary items from vending machines and display information about the amount of sugar in everyday food and drink.
6. Introduce a sugar levy - a 10p levy (or higher) on sugary drinks and sign up to the Children’s Health Fund.
7. Increase the price of sugary drinks - Increase the price difference between sugary drinks and healthier alternatives
8. Promote water - Install water points and promote drinking water as the number one drink.
9. Remove sugary drinks - Stop selling drinks high in sugar and promote water and no-added sugar drinks instead.
10. Set SUGAR SMART challenges - Set a sugar reduction challenge, such as giving up sugary drinks for a whole week.
11. Sign up to healthy workplace schemes - Get your organisation to sign up to schemes such as the Cornwall Healthy Workplace programme!!
12. Stock healthier food and drink - Replace sugary items with healthier options and display signage about sugar content in everyday food and drink.
13. Spread the word - in your community on the dangers of too much sugar by organising events or stunts.
14. Get accredited - by an external organisation to ensure the food and drink you serve is healthy for people and planet.

Set SUGAR SMART challenges

Replace sugary items with healthier options

  • Talk to catering or facilities teams about the vending in place and how it could be made healthier
  • Remove sugary items from vending machines or display information about the amount of sugar contained in vending machine products.
  • Offer healthy food options in meetings, healthy snack box or free fruit for staff

Promote Water

  • Install water points and promote drinking water as the number one drink.
  • Provide Water Coolers
  • Take part in a Hydration Campaign
  • Have water available in meetings
  • Provide water bottles for staff
  • Provide Urine Charts on the back of toilets
  • In order to maintain peak levels of productivity, the body needs to be fully hydrated.
    Just a 1% drop in hydration could lead to a 12% drop in productivity.
    A 3% to 4% drop in hydration could lead to a drop in productivity of between 25% and 50%.

Spread the Word

  • Spread the word and promote Sugar Smart in your workplace by designing a display to promote easy sugar swaps.
  • Promote national campaigns, use of leaflets, posters & visual aids for staff to access i.e. noticeboards, toilets, staff rooms etc.
  • Put up stickers or posters showing the sugar content in sugary drinks.

Local case studies
Buzz Interactive
Cornwall Housing
Cornwall Partnership Foundation Trust
Devon & Cornwall Police
Ocean Housing Group Ltd

Healthy Breakfast
Healthy Snacks
Healthy Lunch
Hydration Challenge (Fizz Free)
BITC / PHE Physical activity, healthy eating and healthier weight: a toolkit for employers 
Shift Work - British Nutrition Foundation

Sugar Smart UK
Sugar Smart UK 1
Sugar Smart UK 2
Sugar Smart UK 3
Sugar Smart UK 4
Healthy Workplace
Healthy Workplace 2
Healthy Under 5's
Sugar Smart Cornwall

Fizz Free

Go Fizz Free!
Cutting back on fizzy, Sugary drinks is good for your body, your mind and your bank balance!
Join the challenge and drink more water!
Click here to download the booklets and promotional posters for your workplace.
Good luck!

Cornwall Can

We have teamed up with Cornwall Can!
We are looking for workplace teams to take part in our #OurteamCAN challenge.
The challenge is to create a team and lose weight, get fitter and healthier together. The reason for this is simple, losing weight on your own is hard and research shows you're more likely to stick to a plan of action with people around you.
We also know we spend the largest proportion of time within the workplace. It is a key factor in many of our lives and can play a key role in contributing to the health and well-being of employees and in turn the health of an organisation. We believe that tackling health at work, should lead to a healthier, happier and ultimately more productive workforce!
This is also a great opportunity as an employer to build morale and teamwork into your community.

How does it work? You need to find yourself a team! Ideally we would like no more than ten people per team. You can be from any setting, whether it be a bakery, fishing boat or office. If there is a big workforce you can enter as many teams as you wish!
Register your team by clicking here
(You only need one log in per team - just let us know how many members are in your team and the name of the team via

After registering record your initial overall weight as a group and over the course of 12 weeks motivate and encourage one another to making positive lifestyle changes.
You can also share your teams progress on social media using the hashtag #CornwallCAN and #behealthyatwork