Alcohol Problems & Substance Misuse Training

Please find information and booking links below for the courses within our Alcohol Problems and Substance Misuse Training offer:


Alcohol Identification and Brief Advice (IBA)

This training aims to give staff the confidence to raise the issue, knowledge of how to help people check their alcohol intake level, the tools to assess the risk level of someone’s drinking, and then how to help.

Staff in any services where alcohol is a common issue or a background factor for clients/customers, or families, and where someone may need help developing the motivation to change.

This is a free 3 and 1/2 hour course designed for front line staff who may come into contact with people with the potential indicators of alcohol problems.

“If consistently implemented across the UK, simple alcohol advice would result in 250,000 men and 67,500 women reducing their drinking levels from hazardous and harmful to low risk each year when delivered by competent, trained staff.”

(Alcohol Learning Centre Website. Department of Health 2010)

Cost: Free

Click here for more information and to book your place


Substance Misuse and Alcohol Retail Training

Best Practice for employees in Pubs, Bars and Clubs: Understanding your Context

This 1 hour training course covers alcohol, drugs and their related risks within a licensed premises, how to respond to tricky issues, and the law that encapsulates these.  Please email to book this course for your organisation or individuals can complete it online.

The session can take place online in your own time. You will find an in-depth training video for you to watch before answering questions on the content. If all questions are answered correctly you will have the opportunity to download and print a certificate of completion to showcase your knowledge of licensing law, risks of alcohol and your understanding of drugs and drug users.

Cost: Free

Find out more and access the online training


SMART Lite Video Resources:

Watch a series of 4 short video courses aimed towards bar, pub and club employees.

This training course covers alcohol, drugs and their related risks within a licensed premises, how to respond to tricky issues, and the law that encapsulates these.

Each video is approximately just ten minutes each.

Click here to check out our SMART Lite Resources/Videos