How to Support Smokers to Quit with Very Brief Advice

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Smoking tobacco remains the single biggest cause of preventable illness and premature death and it drives health inequalities across our community. In Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, it is estimated that almost 60,000 adults currently smoke. Unless they quit, 2 out of 3 smokers will die from smoking. 

Harm caused by smoking is preventable and Very Brief Advice is a simple, 30-second, evidenced-based intervention that professionals can use to motivate smokers to quit by accessing specialist support.

This 1-hour training session will provide you with the knowledge and skills needed so that you can feel confident in delivering Very Brief Advice (VBA) to those trying to quit. You will learn how to: 
•    ASK about smoking status. 
•    ADVISE on the best way of stopping smoking. 
•    ACT to provide options for additional support and access to stop smoking aids. 

This course will help you to understand the VBA approach, the value of the intervention, and how it can be effectively delivered (in 30 seconds!).

Cost: FREE

If you'd like to get in touch with us to discuss a closed session within your workplace, business or organisation please email our booking form to us at

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