Mental Health First Aid Refresher

Mental Health First Aiders (MHFAider®) should take the MHFA Refresher course every three years to:

  • Keep their awareness of mental health support current
  • Update their knowledge of mental health and what influences it
  • Practice applying the Mental Health First Aid action plan
  • Receive access to MHFAider® Support and Benefits for three years

This is a four-hour session with a mix of presentations, discussions and activities.

What does access to MHFAider® Support and Benefits include?

  • 24/7 digital support through the MHFAider Support App®
  • A resource library of toolkits and guidance to support your MHFAiders® in their role
  • A signposting database through Hub Of Hope to find local and national mental health services for additional support
  • Secure conversation journaling to make reflective notes while protecting confidentiality
  • 24/7 text support services through Shout for advice and reassurance on a mental health conversation or to support wellbeing after a difficult conversation
  • Exclusive quarterly webinars to embed and broaden mental health knowledge
  • The benefit of joining England’s largest community of trained MHFAiders®

So, if it’s time to update your skills, book onto the MHFA Refresher now, so you'll get the tools and knowledge to continue performing the role confidently and effectively.

Cost:  £25.50

This training, usually £125 per delegate has been fully funded by Public Health England & Cornwall Council.  The £25.50 charge covers the cost of the resources.

Please book using the form below:

Course Details
Please enter your postcode then click the Find button to select your address from the dropdown.
Please enter your postcode then click the Find button to select your address from the dropdown.
Invoice Details
Please enter your postcode then click the Find button to select your address from the dropdown.
Your consent
The information you provide to Healthy Cornwall will be stored securely in accordance with Section 7 of the Data Protection Act 1998 and only accessed and processed by relevant staff. Your information will be used for the purpose of providing a service to you; it would be shared only if there was a legal reason to do so i.e. safeguarding concerns. The information may also be used, once anonymised, for reporting purposes. You have the right to restrict and/or withdraw consent at any time for us to store and process your information. For more information, please refer to our Privacy Notice which can be found on the Healthy Cornwall website which complies with General Data Protection Regulations 2018.