Suicide First Aid

Understanding Suicide Intervention

Please note: this is a one day training course in a physical classroom or delivered over two half days in a digital classroom

SFA: Suicide First Aid training is underpinned by three core beliefs:

  • Most people thinking about suicide do not want their lives to end, they want the pain to stop
  • Most people thinking about suicide let others know, consciously or unconsciously. Therefore...
  • Suicide has to be one of the most preventable deaths

Course overview:

Teaching the theory and practice of suicide intervention skills that can be applied in any professional or personal setting, captured in a two-day event accredited by The Royal Society of Public Health. Our trainers deliver this unique learning experience: for anyone who seeks greater understanding and confidence to intervene with people at risk of suicide.

The Suicide First Aid through Understanding Suicide Intervention (SFAUSI) course gives learners the knowledge and tools to understand that suicide is one of the most preventable deaths and some basic skills can help someone with thoughts of suicide stay safe from their thoughts and stay alive.

Cost: £20 Non-refundable

This training, usually £150 per delegate has been partly funded by Public Health & Cornwall Council for anyone who lives or works in Cornwall & Isles of Scilly. 

Please note: There is no physical/hard copy workbook.  Any workbooks or documents provided for this course will be in electronic format

The only charge to the delegate is a non-refundable cost of £20 for this course. 

On completion of this course delegates can additionally pay £95 to complete the RSPH Level 4 Award in Suicide First Aid.

Please be aware that due to the sensitive nature of this course, people that have had recent and/or personal experience of suicide may find some aspects upsetting. Therefore we would not recommend that you attend at this time. Please contact us to discuss any queries.

Emails will be sent from an automated email account. Please check your 'junk' folder.

Following the participation of this course you can choose to become an Orange Button Holder as part of the Orange Button suicide prevention scheme.

Book your place using the form below


RSPH Level 4 Award in Suicide First Aid

The Royal Society of Public Health (RSPH) Level 4 Award in Suicide First Aid® is an accredited written assignment. The assignment is comprised of 15 questions and expects that the learner uses both the knowledge they have gained from their SFA course and also some independent research. The average wordcount of a finished assignment is 3000-5000 words. Upon completion the learner will receive an E-Certificate from RSPH at Level 4.

Find out more and register for the RSPH Level 4 Award in Suicide First Aid

The Orange Button Community Scheme

The Orange Button is a badge worn by people who have taken part in Quality Assured mental health or suicide prevention training. While they’re not able to counsel people, they can help someone find relevant local services.

The Orange Button signifies that the person displaying it is:

  • OK to say/hear the word suicide
  • Can listen without judgement
  • Can direct people to information and support

Once you have completed at least three hours of Quality Assured mental health first aid or suicide prevention training you can become an Orange Button holder. This is to ensure you are equipped with the skills to listen and signpost people.

Find out more about the scheme, including how it works and how you can get involved



Copyright © 2011 by Suicide First Aid Qualifications. All materials relating to SFA: Suicide First Aid are subject to copyright law and may not be used, distributed, transmitted, reproduced or broadcast without prior, express written permission of SFA Ltd. This copyright may not be removed or altered.

Booking Form:

Course Details
Please enter your postcode then click the Find button to select your address from the dropdown.
Please enter your postcode then click the Find button to select your address from the dropdown.
Invoice Details
Please enter your postcode then click the Find button to select your address from the dropdown.
Your consent
The information you provide to Healthy Cornwall will be stored securely in accordance with Section 7 of the Data Protection Act 1998 and only accessed and processed by relevant staff. Your information will be used for the purpose of providing a service to you; it would be shared only if there was a legal reason to do so i.e. safeguarding concerns. The information may also be used, once anonymised, for reporting purposes. You have the right to restrict and/or withdraw consent at any time for us to store and process your information. For more information, please refer to our Privacy Notice which can be found on the Healthy Cornwall website which complies with General Data Protection Regulations 2018.