Mental Health Awareness Workshop

A 2 hour introductory workshop to raise awareness of mental health and wellbeing. The workshop looks at some signs and symptoms to look out for as well as some ideas for reducing stress.

Courses can be delivered in a physical or digital classroom

Cost: Free

Please complete the booking form below

Course Details
Please enter your postcode then click the Find button to select your address from the dropdown.
Please enter your postcode then click the Find button to select your address from the dropdown.
Invoice Details
Please enter your postcode then click the Find button to select your address from the dropdown.
Your consent
The information you provide to Healthy Cornwall will be stored securely in accordance with Section 7 of the Data Protection Act 1998 and only accessed and processed by relevant staff. Your information will be used for the purpose of providing a service to you; it would be shared only if there was a legal reason to do so i.e. safeguarding concerns. The information may also be used, once anonymised, for reporting purposes. You have the right to restrict and/or withdraw consent at any time for us to store and process your information. For more information, please refer to our Privacy Notice which can be found on the Healthy Cornwall website which complies with General Data Protection Regulations 2018.